加州大学河滨分校进化生理学家Theodore Garland教授带领团队将小鼠分成四组,一组喂标准的“健康”饮食,一组喂不太健康的“西方”饮食,一组用跑步机锻炼,另一组不用跑步机。通过对细菌肠道群落的高变内部转录间隔区进行测序,研究了早期饮食和运动操作对成体微生物组的影响。该项工作以“Early-life effects of juvenile Western diet and exercise on adult gut microbiome composition in mice” 为题发表在《The Journal of Experimental Biology》上。
1.Voreades N, Kozil A, Weir TL. Diet and the development of the human intestinal microbiome. Front Microbiol. 2014 Sep 22;5:494. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00494.
PMID: 25295033; PMCID: PMC4170138.
2.McNamara Monica P,SingletonJennifer M,Cadney Marcell D et al. Early-life effects of juvenile Western diet and exercise on adult gut microbiome composition in mice.[J] .J Exp Biol, 2021, undefined: undefined. 作者: lierzhou 时间: 2021-3-14 11:14